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David Jeffery has lived in Bergen for two months, but he has already got a lot going on. He is currently running a fundraiser called the Polished Man Campaign here in Bergen. Polished Man ask men to paint one in five of their nails to represent the one in five children affected by violence by the time they are 18. The campaign is running from 1.-15. of October here in Bergen.
The Polished Man fundraiser ran from 1. to 15. of September last year and raised 1,5 million kroners in Melbourne. This year it’s going global.
This Saturday Polished Man will have a street campaign on Torgalmenningen.
– We will supply information, there will be DJs, street artists, nail polish. Bring you kids and your questions!
On the 15th of October there will be a fundraising music event at Kvarteret, with Ruben Nesse from Brilliance DJ-ing and both Living and Ramasjang doing concerts from 10 p.m.

Hem away from home
David Jeffery also works at one of Flate Sko’s favorite places, Hem. It’s a venue with 70’s decor and some great vibes.
– Hem is a place where you can sit down and have a conversation, and on Friday nights there are live DJ-events. Whatever you want to do, you will feel comfortable. Tuesday to Thursday are emptier days, that’s the best day to come with a group of friends and order some Lapskaus. The clientele is very varied, everything from 60 year-olds who come once a week for Lapskaus to 20 year-olds who enjoy the vibes.
He had to give up shorts, shrimp and frequent barbeques, but he still loves Bergen.
When asked what drink one should order at Hem, David replies without hesitation. Gin Basilikum is his pick. So there you go.
Only Living Australian in Bergen
David moved from Australia two months ago, and is super laid-back and friendly like most Australians. He soon realized he had to stop smiling at everyone he sees on the street or people would think, as his friend put it, he was going to ‘eat their peach’. He also had to give up shorts, shrimp and frequent barbeques, but he still loves Bergen.
– The cultural fabric here is really impressive. Everyone supports one another.
He also really loves BIFF (Bergen Inernational Film Festival) and he saw over 40 films at the festival.
David has some sound advice for international students in Bergen.
-To get the most out of the experience, the best thing is to dive in. Sign off on as many things as you can. Sign up for BIFF, get involved with local charities, find an apartment with Norwegians, live in the center of the city and immerse yourself in Bergen life. That’s the best way to get everything out of your stay.
Listen to the full interview here:
For more information on Polished Man, go to
The fundraiser-event is next Thursday, October 15. at Tivoli, Det Akademiske Kvarter 22:00. It costs 100,- at the door with all proceeds supporting the Polished Man campaign. Bands supporting are Living, Ramasjang, Loon and DJ Ruben Nesse from Brilliance.